Fall is in the air, which means it’s time to break out of your boots and embrace the cooler weather. But before you can fully enjoy the season, you need to clean out your closet and get rid of all the clothes that have been taking up space. Here are 5 simple steps to clean out your closet and get ready for cooler weather:

Step 1: Empty Your Closet

This step is kind of like a treasure hunt! Clear out your entire closet including clothes, shoes, and accessories, and put them in a pile. This may seem overwhelming at first, but it’s necessary to get a clear picture of what you have and what you need to get rid of. You may even find a buried gem or rediscover that shirt you’ve been searching for.

Now that you have everything out of your closet, take a moment to appreciate the sheer volume of clothing you have accumulated over the years. You may be surprised at just how much you own!

Step 2: Sort your clothes:

Here’s your chance to play fashion police.

Once you have everything out of your closet, it’s time to sort your clothes into piles. Start by making three piles: one for clothes you want to keep, one for clothes you want to donate or sell, and one for clothes that need to be thrown away. That sweater you haven’t worn in years? It’s time to give it a citation and send it on its way.

As you sort through your clothes, ask yourself some questions to help you decide what to keep and what to get rid of. For example, does this item still fit me? Have I worn it in the past year? Is it in good condition? Do I still love it?

If an item doesn’t meet these criteria, it’s time to let it go. Be ruthless in your decluttering and remember that someone else could benefit from the clothes you no longer need. TIP: Here are some wonderful local organization that would love your donations: Marion’s Closet in Wadsworth, OH , The Giving Place in Medina, OH and local churches always appreciate clothing to help others.

Step 3: Evaluate each item

It’s like a personal runway show! Try on your clothes and see if they still spark joy (or at least a giggle). Strike a pose and give yourself a thumbs up or thumbs down to evaluate each item individually. This is where you can have some fun and get creative. Even ask your furry friends to help be the judge.

If you’re struggling to decide whether to keep an item or not, ask yourself if it brings you joy. Marie Kondo, the queen of decluttering, recommends only keeping items that spark joy in your life. If an item no longer brings you joy, it’s time to say goodbye.

Step 4: Organize your closet:

Get ready to flex those organization skills. You can even make a game out of it – challenge yourself to organize your closet in under 30 minutes. There are many ways to organize your clothes, depending on your personal preferences. Here are a few ideas to get you started

  • Group similar items together: Group your pants, skirts, dresses, and tops together. This will make it easier to find what you’re looking for.
  • Organize by color: Arrange your clothes by color to create a visually appealing display. This can also make it easier to put together outfits.
  • Use storage containers: If you have limited closet space, consider using storage containers to store out-of-season clothing. This will free up space in your closet for your spring wardrobe.
  • Organizing your closet can be a satisfying task. Not only will it make it easier to find what you’re looking for, but it will also give you a sense of accomplishment.


Step 5: Prepare for fall/winter weather

Now that your closet is organized, it’s time to get your fall wardrobe ready. This is the best part – shopping! Make a list and treat yourself to a few new pieces to add to your wardrobe. Just don’t blame me when your wallet starts crying. TIP: make a list on your phone of items you are looking to fill in or even snap a picture of an item in your closet you want coordinate.

Final Fun Tip:

Have a clothing swap party with your friends! Gather all your goods (you can add household and beauty items too), invite your friends, dish up some festive food and drinks and swap away!
